Data retention summary

This summary shows the default categories and purposes for retaining user data. Certain areas may have more specific categories and purposes than those listed here.



Website Policy

It is the policy of COMTEQ Computer and Business College to respect and uphold data privacy of every visitor that visits this site; thus we do not collect personal information of our visitors.  However, in order to make your browsing experience in the future much better, this site, as with other websites, uses a cookie to:  

  1. set personal preferences when you visit this site; and gives you
  2. the ability to use some of the sites features, such as forums or posting a comment in an article/s without the need to sign in.
You can choose to disable or selectively turn off our cookies or third-party cookies through your browser settings, or by any third-party software that you use to protect your privacy.  However, this can effect on how you are able to interact with this site as well as other websites.


Website Policy
Retention period
No retention period
Lawful bases
Public task (GDPR Art. 6.1(e)) Processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller
Sensitive personal data processing reasons
Data made public by the data subject (GDPR Art. 9.2(e)) Processing relates to personal data which are manifestly made public by the data subject



Data Privacy Statement


COMTEQ College is committed to protect the privacy rights of individuals on personal information pursuant to the provisions of Republic Act No. 10173 or the Data Privacy Act of 2012, its Implementing Rules and Regulations and the Basic Education Act of 1982. This Data Privacy Policy Statement is part of COMTEQ’s Data Privacy Manual adopted in compliance with the Data Privacy Act of 2012, its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR), and other relevant policies, including issuances of the National Privacy Commission. 

It is the policy of COMTEQ Computer and Business College to respect and uphold data privacy rights, and to ensure that all personal data collected from students, their parents or guardians, employees and other third parties, are processed pursuant to the general principles of transparency, legitimate purpose, and proportionality as stated in DPA. 

All employees, students, and administration officers are enjoined to comply with and to share in the responsibility to secure and protect personal information collected and processed by COMTEQ in pursuit of legitimate purposes. 

General Privacy Policy Statements 

  1. COMTEQ adheres to the general principles of transparency, legitimate purpose, and proportionality in the collection, processing, securing, retention and disposal of personal information. 
  2. The students, parents, guardians, employees, or third parties whose personal information is being collected shall be considered as data subjects for purposes of these policies. 
  3. Data subjects shall be informed the purpose of collecting and processing of personal data. 
  4. The data subjects shall have the right to correct the information especially in cases of erroneous or outdated data, and to object to collection of personal information within the bounds allowed by privacy and education laws. 
  5. The data subject has the right to file a complaint in case of breach or unauthorized access of his personal information. 
  6. COMTEQ shall secure the personal information of students, parents, guardians, employees, and third parties from whom personal information is collected and shall take adequate measures to secure both physical and digital copies of the information. 
  7. COMTEQ shall ensure that personal information is collected and processed only by authorized personnel for legitimate purposes of the College. 
  8. Any information that is declared obsolete based on the internal privacy and retention procedures of the College shall be disposed of in a secure and legal manner.
  9. Any suspected or actual breach of the COMTEQ data privacy policy must be reported to any member of the Data Privacy Response Team.
  10.  Data subjects may inquire or request for information from the Data Privacy Response Team, regarding any matter relating to the processing of their personal data under the custody of COMTEQ, including the data privacy and security policies implemented to ensure the protection of their personal data.

National Privacy Commission, (NPC) Registration No. PIC -002 -186 -2019


Data Privacy Statement
Retention period
1 years
Lawful bases
Legitimate interests (GDPR Art. 6.1(f)) Processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the controller or by a third party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject which require protection of personal data, in particular where the data subject is a child
Sensitive personal data processing reasons
Protection of vital interests (GDPR Art. 9.2(c)) Processing is necessary to protect the vital interests of the data subject or of another natural person where the data subject is physically or legally incapable of giving consent

Course categories


Retention period
No retention period was defined



Retention period
No retention period was defined

Activity modules


Retention period
No retention period was defined



Retention period
No retention period was defined